Son of Brain Gym: Dancing to Nursery Rhymes Boosts A-Levels or something.
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In other news: thinking burns calories. |
Fortunately the stake has been fairly firmly planted in the heart of the Brain Gym vampire, especially after Ben Goldacre's famous assault on it in Bad Science. But not before thousands of schools had wasted their time, and most importantly that of the students, on pointless, pointy-headed miracle crystal exercises that made extraordinary claims to efficacy but without concomitant extraordinary evidence. Any efforts accrued from Brain Gym could be replicated from giving your pupils a break every now and then and getting them to stretch their legs a bit. Which, you know, people do anyway, unless you treat your students like laboratory beagles (and even they get very long fag breaks).
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And THAT'S what it's all about. |
The Primary Movement project involves getting nine-year-olds to do set exercises to nursery rhymes and will be tested in 40 schools in north-east England. The exercises mimic the earliest reflexes made by babies and foetuses. The theory is that children can be held back if such reflexes persist. Trisha Saul from the Primary Movement project said: "Some of the songs and the nursery rhymes will be familiar, it's the movements that are different. "These are designed to replicate movements the foetus makes in the womb and the baby makes in the first six months of their life."
Now, why on earth would anyone think that this was a thing that actually existed, rather than simply being a whimsical daydream of a theory? Because the ubiquitous research suggested it, in a study by the Queen's University Belfast in 2000. Blimey, they've taken their time to get round to doing anything, haven't they? Or maybe it's a testimony to the distance back anyone had to dig in order to get any academic support for this latest foray into the desperate world of educational fairy tale research. Maybe not.
The small scale little known research project found that children who carried out systematic physical exercises for a year gained 15-20 months progress in reading compared to a control group which did not do the exercises.
'Small scale'. 'Little Known'. It's not looking good, is it? They could have said 'obscure', but I think the Beeb draw a line somewhere. Trisha Saul, from the Primary Movement Project, said this:
"It's a bit like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but the butterfly still has bits of the caterpillar attached to it."
That's EXACTLY what it's like. What?
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'I am a confident, independent learner.' |
What it DOES offer is a number of courses that you can apply to take. There isn't a price list on it. I'm guessing it isn't free, for either the Foundation or Advanced Level certification. The website advises that as a parent, you should check if your local teacher is trained properly in the method, and suddenly it's getting a bit mystical and Alexander techniquey, and only the elect are chosen etc.
There is an interesting name that comes up again: Dr Martin McPhillips, who developed the Primary Movement program, and also appears as the author of five out of the seven published papers supporting the work of the PMP so boy, he's busy. As far as I can see, the research produced by the PMP seems to focus on children with SEN. I might be wrong, of course.
'The Primary Movement programme developed at Queen's University, Belfast has been shown to have a significant impact on reducing reflex persistence. It has been evaluated in a number of formal studies that have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.'
In a school-based study of children in their first year at primary school, it was found that the Primary Movement programme had a significant effect on the development of fine motor control(9). In another large, school-based study, involving more than one thousand children, it was found that the Primary Movement programme had a significant effect on ATNR persistence. This led to improved academic attainments in reading, spelling and mathematics
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'I endorse brain gym. And anything else.' |
My concern is that it is far from clear that instigating a program, however well endorsed, of physical exercises has anything like a substantial effect on a child's learning ability, and if it does, can be replicated on anything more than laboratory conditions, on all, or even merely most children. And that it is far from clear that such a program has any significant difference from any other program of simple physical exercises. That the suggested increases in learning can be accounted for solely by reference to the exercise program, and can't be accounted for by other means, such as the children and the teachers feeling that there should be some kind of benefit. Maybe, maybe, maybe. That's the problem with this kind of research.
The problem remains with ALL forms of educational research; controls aren't real controls; exact conditions can't be replicated and tested against. High causal density in human interactions means that causal relationships can rarely, if ever, be inferred from any pool of data, and researcher bias becomes overwhelming in both the design, execution and interpretation of any such project.
Meanwhile, in austerity UK, trials like this receive funding.
Social science. It's not a real science, is it?
Teacher Voice.
With you up to the lame sneer about social science.
ReplyDeleteWith you up to the lame sneer about my lame sneer :)
DeleteI'm disappointed with attempts to equivalate the predictive or diagnostic properties of the social sciences with those of the natural sciences, where such things are problematic enough. As a teacher I am regularly clobbered with theories and values masquerading as fact, that not only waste my time, but damage the education of children AND encourage sloppy magic-crystal thinking. Social sciences are/ should be a commentary on the human condition, not a prescriptive or authoritative attempt to quantify and capture it.
I've written about this A LOT in my blogs, so I use short hand to express myself about it now. But it is a problem.
With you up to, and including, the amusing (and true) sentence about social science.
ReplyDeleteSorry, Mr Morley - Tom's correct. Until social science can exclude all confounding variables - some of which are going to be the personalities and upbringing of the subjects concerned - it can't be regarded as hard science. I spend a lot of time in my own subject (A-level English Language, which is largely sociolinguistics) putting red lines through the words 'prove' and 'disprove' in my students' essays and writing in words like 'may suggest', 'might imply', 'could possibly show', 'may demonstrate' and so on.
ReplyDeleteWhen many years ago I completed a unit on Social Science they seemed so desperate to show that it was a science that we all thought it wasn't.
ReplyDeleteI think we were right.
Just had a flash back to Bede College sociology lectures basically working class bad, that was it.
These people have done as much as anyone to destroy education.
Aaargh! Brain Gym, Primary Movement Programme. When will people learn that exercise is good for you. You don't need to spend all this money on stupid theories! Maybe I should just jump on the bandwagon and make up a new exercise program and make millions of pounds.
ReplyDeleteI think the problem is still rooted within the huge pressure on results from standardised testing. If you are leading a school that is below floor targets, and a very tight time scale is applied to climbing above them it surely affects wellbeing and common sense thinking. I think it's in that circumstance that these crazy things seem like a good idea, or at least an idea. What is really needed is enough time to change the ethos properly rather than applying the latest expensive social science based sticking plaster.
ReplyDeleteI am a well educated and knowledgeble individual. I am also a serious sceptic. I just completed the Brain Gym 3 day and I experienced for myself its unequivacol value. The movements do, in fact, have an impact on how our brains function. You may be a cynical nay sayer but unless you have done the hard research to PROVE the effects to be insignificant scientifically then I will remain a staunch supporter of Educational Kinesiology.